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February 4th, 2024

Issue 4 Comic Cover edited small.jpg

Hey there everybody!! If you haven't seen already, the first half of Issue 4 has just been uploaded!! It feels like it's been forever since I've uploaded new pages on here, so I'm excited for you all to see what I've been working on! Ideally, I wanted to upload Issue 4 in its entirety, since there really isn't a good spot in this issue where I could smoothly break it up. However, there are still around 25 pages left that I have to finish, and I didn't want the wait to be any longer than it already was. Just like the previous issues, it always seems like the crazy stuff happens in the second half of the issue; this first part is kinda like the

appetizer lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first part of this issue! As always, I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on it! I'll be starting up on pages again soon. : )


                                                   - h3nlo


January 16th, 2024

Issue 4 sneak peak 2.jpg

Hello there everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on what's been happening, since it's been quite a while. I've been steadily working on Issue 4 for the past few months, and I'm happy to say that it's a little more than half-way finished! The entire issue is looking to be about 56-58 pages in total, and I currently have 34 done. This means that I'll be uploading a nice chunk of pages pretty soon! I just have to do some final edits and create a cover page first. I'm aiming to have the pages uploaded here by early February, so keep an eye out (and perhaps brush up on some previous issues as a nice lil' refresher 👀)

As always, thank you for being so patient with me as I work on the comic. I'm especially excited to share the last half of this issue and then jump into Issue 5. I know I said previously that Issue 3 was my favorite so far, but now, Issue 5... Lemme tell ya'. Actually I'm not going to tell you lol, you'll just have to see

for yourself eventually.

Anyway, keep an eye out for a new page drop soon!


                                                   - h3nlo


September 15th, 2024

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Hello there everyone!! At last, Issue 3 of Bastardo has finally been finished! As always, thank you so much for being patient while I work on these pages. It's crazy to think that this Issue took me almost nine months to finish, but it is 94 pages after all! I remember when I thought it was only going to be around 70 pages, lmao.

I'm excited to start on Issue 4, but first I'm working on a little bonus one-shot comic featuring Padrino and his partner, Sol Santos! It is an 18+ comic, so it'll most likely be posted to my Patreon/Twitter,  where the rest of my spicy art goes. ;)

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this issue, and I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on it!


                                                   - h3nlo


June 25th, 2024

Issue 3 Cover 2 Ideas small.jpg

Helloooo again! It's been quite a while, but the next chunk of pages are finally here!! Issue 3 still isn't finished yet, in fact I still have about 20 more pages left to do. However, I wanted to release the next batch of pages that way you wouldn't be waiting even longer than you already have been.

This fight with the Cósmico Bros/Supernova was one of the next big hurdles that I was kinda afraid of getting over, but I'm extremely happy that I was able to do it. I can't wait to finish off the rest of this issue!! In the meantime though, I hope you enjoy this batch!


                                                   - h3nlo


April 19th, 2024

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Hey there everyone, just wanted to pop in and give you an update on what's been happening!

I've been steadily working on Issue 3 and currently have a good chunk of pages finished. I've mentioned this in a past update, but Issue 3 is extremely long and it's gotten even longer due to me revamping a few scenes. It's now around 90+ pages which is kind of insane lol, that's why I'm considering releasing another chunk of 30+ pages to break up the waiting period a bit! Looking back, Issue 3 admittedly could have been split into two separate issues, but everything connects together, which is why I wanted to keep it as one!

You may have also noticed that there are a few ads around the website now, that's because I decided to start a Patreon page for the comic! If you're interested, you can gain early access to comic pages as well as WIPs and concept art at a higher tier! I post about 2 to 3 pages every week on there. Subscribing to the Patreon page is completely optional, and nothing is going to change here on the website. I'll still be releasing issues when I finish them as normal; the Patreon is just there if you'd like to see pages more frequently!

That's all for now. As always, thank you for reading and for being so patient as I continue to work on the comic! I'm really excited to finish Issue 3 and share the rest of it with you, it's by far my favorite one!

                                                   - h3nlo


January 21st, 2024

Issue 3 Comic Cover notext.jpg

Hellooo again! After many months, I finally completed about half of Issue 3!! Similarly to the last issue, Issue 3 is another super long one. I decided to split it up into parts again so that there isn't a ridiculously long wait! Also similarly to the previous issue, I'm itching to get started on the last half of this one, too. This issue is the first time we get a look at the Cósmico Bros and well, they've grown on me a lot over the course of writing this story. It also seems to be a trend around here that all the real juicy stuff happens in the later half lmao.


As always, thank you for reading, thank you for waiting so patiently, and thank you so much for all the love, support and feedback you give on the story. It means the world. :`) And as always, I'm off now to work on the next half!


                                                   - h3nlo


January 2nd, 2024

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Hey there everyone! This is just a small update on what's been happening with Issue 3. It has admittedly been taking me longer than usual to finish this issue as I've been getting a lot fussier with the art style, more specifically the coloring.

On top of that, Issue 3 is the longest issue so far. (looking at roughly 72-74 pages right now). So, similar to last time, I plan on releasing the first 30 pages by themselves and then releasing the last half when it's all done!  I currently have 25 pages finished, so I'm hoping to release the first half by mid January.

Thank you for reading and as always, thank you for being so patient as I work on the comic! I'm really excited to share more with you soon >: )


                                                   - h3nlo


September 16th, 2023

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Helllloooo everyone!! I'm super excited to announce that Issue 2 is finally complete! As always, thank you for being so patient throughout the whole process. I've been looking forward to sharing this final sequence for so many months, it feels wild to have it all finished in front of me now. It's the first real look into my three favorites, so I really hope you enjoy this one!


At last, the gang is all here... Now some real chaos can finally ensue.

Thank you for reading, I'll be starting Issue 3 soon. ; )


                                                                                                  - h3nlo


May 29th, 2023

Bastardo Issue 2 Comic Cover no text2.jpg

Hey everyone! I went ahead and decided to share the first half of Issue 2 while I’m still working, so I’m here to announce that the first 30 pages of Issue 2 have just been uploaded! While I’m not super keen on sharing comic issues when they aren’t completely finished, this particular issue is a long one and I want something to show for these past few months of work!


I gotta say, I’m really, REALLY excited to start working on the last half of this issue. I won’t give away much, but I will say that one of my absolute favorite characters is introduced here, and well… He’s a lot. I’ve been itching to get my hands on him since the start, and that time has finally come… >: )


Anyway, please enjoy! I’m starting on the last half ASAP and in the meantime, I’ll be posting some periodic progress updates here and on my twitter!


                                                                                                  - h3nlo

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April 13th, 2023


Issue 2 Page 16 preview.jpg

Hey there!! I wanted to give you an update on what's happening since it's been a while! I've been slowly but steadily working on Issue 2 for the past few months and at the moment, there are 16 pages finished. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but most of these pages feature tons of people on them which has been drastically increasing the worktime. On top of that, Issue 2 is set to be a whopping 60+ pages.

I'm super excited for this issue, but it's going to take a long time before it's fully finished, which brings me to my next point! Ideally I'd prefer to release the issue all at once in its entirety, but I hate having these long bouts of inactivity in between issues. So, I'm thinking about releasing the first half of the issue as soon as I have enough pages finished, that way you have something to read while I finish off the rest!

If I decide to do this, then I'll probably have about 28-30 pages to show off in late May/June! In the meantime, thank you for being so patient and a BIG thank you for all the support on Issue 1. Seeing all of your support in the comments and on twitter has really meant a lot to me. :`)


                                                                                                  - h3nlo


January 14th, 2023

Issue 1 Cover BIG notitle.jpg

WELCOME EVERYONE!!! Several months ago, after experiencing a huge wave of inspiration, I decided to switch gears with my comic-making and focus solely on the story of my wrestling characters. It took a fair few months of work, but I am so, SO excited to finally be sharing the first issue of Bastardo with you!


If you haven't already, be sure to check out the About section for a small synopsis on the comic, and most importantly, I hope you enjoy getting a glimpse into the world of my luchadores! In the meantime, I'll be working on Issue 2. ; )


                                                                                                  - h3nlo

© 2025 by h3nlo

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